How can I manage email addresses?
If you are a former, or customer, you will find the configuration options for your email addresses in the Cloudpit. You can find more information on this in the FAQ article How to create a new email address
With easyname, you manage your e-mail addresses in two different categories: in the menu items [e-mail inbox], where the size of the inbox, spam filter, etc. are configured and [email addresses], which can be found in the control panel just below the mailboxes.
You can find more about e-mail mailboxes in this FAQ article.
If you want to manage your email addresses, log into your control panel. Click on [Web Hosting] and then on [Email Addresses]. In this view, all your e-mail addresses are displayed. E-mail addresses can be created, deleted and edited here, and linked to specific e-mail inboxes. You can also configure the autoresponder (automatic reply) here.
How can I create email addresses?
If you want to create an email address, log into your control panel and click on [Web Hosting] and then on [Email Addresses] . In the next step, click on [+Add new e-mail address], further input options will appear immediately.

In the email address field, enter the desired designation and immediately select one of your domains (after the @ symbol). Now you can choose between delivery to one of your e-mail inboxes (if one has been created) or forwarding to another e-mail address. After the desired option is set, you still have to click on [Add email address] . You can add further e-mail accounts and e-mail forwarding to the created e-mail address.

A major advantage is that you can connect any number of email addresses to one mailbox, or any number of mailboxes to one email address. Here are two examples:

The e-mail address is delivered to the mailbox 8**2mail1 and to the mailbox 8**2mail10. E-mails sent to thus receive both users/e-mail inboxes.
If you set the configuration so that the e-mail address is sent to the mailbox 8**2mail1 and the e-mail address is sent to the same mailbox, the user receives This mailbox contains all emails that are sent to the two email addresses.
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