The official country domain of Netherlands
The .nl domain

Price information
Setup | €0.00 |
Registration | €19.90 |
Renewal | €19.90 |
Transfer (including annual fee) | €19.90 |
Change of the owner | €11.90 |
Modification of domain data | €0.00 |
Useful information about .nl domains
Trends & General Information
In the Netherlands, the country-specific top-level domain .nl is used - especially companies and private individuals use the ccTLD to signal search engines and internet users an orientation to the Netherlands. In particular, the attractive public procurement rules make the .nl domain interesting for many webmasters and administrators: In general, every user worldwide can buy or register a .nl domain - regardless of nationality, location, residence or company headquarters. It does not matter if you need a domain for the presentation of a company, a private blog or a large online portal - if your desired domain is still available, you can easily order it online. easyname offers you fair conditions, a fast processing of your order and flawless service.
The responsible administrative authority for registered .nl domains is the "Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland", in short "SIDN".
General Information
Domain transfer | |
Transfer auth-code | |
Domain security | |
Change of ownership | |
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) | |
Numeric domains |
New registration | 1 year | |
Renewal | 1 year | |
Duration of registration | It takes a few seconds to register the .nl domain. | |
Notice period | The notice period for termination is 42 days before the domain expires. |
Special provisions
Domain length | A .nl domain may be between 2 - 63 characters long. Hyphens may be used, but not at the beginning or at the end of the domain, and not 2 consecutive (for example, aa |
additional Information
Dutch companies and private individuals in particular use the potential of .nl domains. Local search engines rate the local .nl domain particularly highly - the top-level domain appears accordingly frequently in the search results. Of course, this offers enormous advantages for companies or Internet service providers that depend on traffic from search engines. If correct search engine optimization (SEO) measures have been taken, the .nl domain will appear in good positions in Dutch searches.
If you want to buy or register your personal .nl domain, you have to follow a few guidelines regarding the choice of your Internet address: You can choose between 3 and 63 characters - special characters are not allowed. Your domain name may contain numbers, pure number domains are of course also allowed.
Die .nl Domain steht in Relation zu anderen europäischen Top-Level-Domains - darunter beispielsweise die dänische .dk Domain , die .lu Domain für Luxemburg oder die französische .fr Domain . Auch diverse generische Top-Level-Domains sind mit der .nl Domainendung direkt verwandt: Die .org Domain für Organisationen, die .biz gTLD für Unternehmen und die .net Domain für ehemalige Netzwerkdienstleister weisen eine hohe Ähnlichkeit zu der Dutch top-level domain.
The .nl domain was one of the first country-specific ccTLDs that interested users could buy and register. In the international comparison, the domain enjoys great popularity: In the second quarter, the .nl domain was the precursor of the country-specific top-level domains .de , and .cn the fourth most popular ccTLD worldwide. Another advantage: The enormous age of the domain extension - since 1986 you can buy and register the .nl domain.
For questions about the services of easyname you can contact our customer service. To do this, either use the contact form or write an e-mail to - we will answer your request as quickly as possible and will gladly send you the requested information. Even if you have problems to buy or register your desired domain, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
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The prices stated exclude VAT.