This domain is in the category: Asia
The official country domain of India
The .in domain

Price information
Setup | €0.00 |
Registration | €22.90 |
Renewal | €22.90 |
Transfer (including annual fee) | €22.90 |
Change of the owner | €0.00 |
Modification of domain data | €0.00 |
Recovery after deletion | €110.00 |
Useful information about .in domains
Trends & General Information
The .in domain represents the country-specific top-level domain of India. With more than 1.2 billion inhabitants, India is the second most populated country in the world - in terms of population, India is considered the largest democracy in the world. The top-level domain .in can be bought and registered by interested webmasters and administrators since its introduction in 1989 - thanks to loosened procurement guidelines, this process is very easy for potential prospects. easyname will gladly assist you with registering your desired domain. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service: Contact us directly via the contact form or send us an e-mail to
The "INRegistry" is the administrative authority responsible for registered .in domains Domains second and third level.
General Information
Domain transfer | |
Transfer auth-code | |
Domain security | |
Change of ownership | |
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) | |
Numeric domains |
New registration | 1 year up to max. 10 years | |
Renewal | 1 year up to max. 4 years | |
Duration of registration | It takes a few seconds to register the .in domain. | |
Notice period | The notice period for termination is 42 days before the domain expires. |
Special provisions
Domain length | A .in domain may be between 3 - 63 characters long. Hyphens may be used, but not at the beginning or at the end of the domain, and not 2 consecutive (for example, aa |
additional Information
While the procurement guidelines for .in domains were still very stringent some years ago, the system was loosened significantly in 2006. In practical terms, every webmaster and administrator worldwide is able to buy or register their personal .in domain. Especially companies and individuals with cultural, economic or ethnic connections to India often buy .in domains. Thus, with optimal search engine optimisation, very good rankings in the Indian region can be achieved - furthermore, the local top-level domains of India immediately show the prospective buyer an orientation towards India. As a result, click rates should be significantly higher with a .in domain in India than with a .de domain.
Benefits for administrators lie in the simple and convenient registration of .in domain - all steps can be carried out online to buy the domain. Between 3 and 63 characters are available to you for choosing a domain name - special characters are not allowed, but purely digit domains are.
The .in domain is very similar to many other top-level country-specific domains, including the ccTLD for the Switzerland. ch, the .eu domain for the European Union and the .tw domain for Taiwan. Also, generic top-level domains or misused ccTLDs are related to the .in domain, such as the .tv domain for Tuvalu or the world's most popular .com domain.
Thanks to the loosening and adaptation of the procurement rules for the .in domain, significantly more domains have been registered in recent years. It used to be very difficult for interested webmasters to buy or register the domain they were looking for - this process is now conveniently online and at the most fair terms.
The Indian administrator "INRegistry" has to this day failed to disclose the number of registered domains - however, it's reasonable to assume that there are already a relatively large number of attractive domains available for benefits to Indian companies and individuals. If your Internet address is still free, you should buy as soon as possible or register to score in the Indian region with your online offer.
Related domains
The prices stated exclude VAT.