The official country domain of Spain
The .es domain

Price information
Setup | €0.00 |
Registration | €23.90 |
Renewal | €23.90 |
Transfer (including annual fee) | €23.90 |
Change of the owner | €29.90 |
Modification of domain data | €0.00 |
Useful information about .es domains
Trends & General Information
The .es domain is a country-specific ccTLD assigned to the Kingdom of Spain. It exists since 1988 and is managed by the "Network Information Center of Spain". As ccTLD it is mostly used by internet users from Spain, who want to launch Internet presences for companies or individuals. Latin American users also rely on the .es domain and buy or register their personal desired domain, because also in this region, the TLD offers positive effects on search engine results and for users.
General Information
Domain transfer | |
Transfer auth-code | |
Domain security | |
Change of ownership | |
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) | |
Numeric domains | |
Registry | Dominios (Website) |
New registration | 1 year up to max. 10 years | |
Renewal | 1 year up to max. 5 years | |
Duration of registration | It takes up to 12 hours to register the .es-domain | |
Notice period | The notice period for termination is 42 days before the domain expires. |
Special provisions
Domain length | A .es domain may be between 3 - 63 characters long. Hyphens may be used, but not at the beginning or at the end of the domain, and not 2 consecutive (for example, aa |
Contact handles |
The administrative contact has to meet following contact type:
additional Information
The .es domain offers decisive advantages for Spanish companies or private individuals, as national search engines in Spanish or Latin American countries often rate their Internet addresses as outstanding and the positions achieved in the rankings are correspondingly high. The conventional Internet user is told by the .es domain that it is a website with presumably Spanish-language content. Significantly higher clickthrough rates are expected as a Spanish citizen is more likely to visit a .es domain than, for example, a .de domain.
The desired .es domain can be purchased and registered by any user worldwide - regardless of nationality, place of business or place of residence. easyname makes the domain available within a few seconds after registration and enables editorial work on the website. This allows you to buy or register your desired domain in a single day and bring an attractive website to the World Wide Web.
When you choose the domain name you should follow some basic guidelines: 3 to 63 characters are available to you. Special characters such as the Spanish accented vowels á, é, í, ó, ú or ü can be used within the domain - as well as dashes and numbers. Pure numeric domains are also allowed.
High affinities exist between the .es domains and certain generic gTLDs such as .net or .com - also country specific top level domains like .eu for the European Union or .at for Austria are common relatives.
An exact number of registered .es domains is difficult to estimate. Statistics assume that at the end of 2010 more than 1.2 million internet addresses were registered with the ccTLD .es. In a European comparison, the .es domain is one of the most popular TLDs. Due to the advantages for Spanish companies and individuals, it can be assumed that the number of .es domains will continue to increase in the future - if you are interested in the Spanish ccTLD, it is advisable to buy or register your desired domain as swiftly as possible.
easyname is your competent partner in registering domains of all kinds, whether you choose the Spanish ccTLD or one of the generic gTLDs - an experienced and knowledgeable team will assist you in choosing the best Domain and helps you to buy or register the desired domain.
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The prices stated exclude VAT.