Are you a customer of emerion WebHosting GmbH?

We are pleased to inform you that easyname GmbH from Austria will now continue all services for you unchanged .

For many years emerion WebHosting GmbH has been your reliable partner for web hosting and domains - since 27.07.2023 emerion WebHosting GmbH is now part of easyname.

Your new contractual partner is easyname GmbH with immediate effect and continues the previous contractual relationship with you.

Our easyname team , will of course be happy to help you.

Your services will of course be provided as usual. You can continue to use access to manage and administer your accounts, contracts and mailboxes as before.

By transferring your contractual relationship to easyname GmbH, you will benefit from an extended product and service portfolio in the future and become part of one of the leading domain and hosting experts in Austria.

We have summarised the most frequently asked questions about the transition and our answers to them for you in our FAQ section at .

Webspace & Webhosting

Web space is one of the basic requirements for being able to operate your own website: Web space is storage space on the network where all the data on a website can be stored, made available and accessed again at a "fixed address" - from anywhere in the world and 24 hours a day.

Advantages of a web space at easyname

We take over the hosting of your website so that you can take care of the really important things.

Superfast SSD hard drives

The consistent use of SSD hard drives noticeably reduces loading times compared to conventional HDD hard drives.

With just one click you can install many applications directly

Click - done! In all web hosting tariffs you have access to dozens of apps such as Joomla, Wordpress and many more. Because we know that complicated installation processes are annoying, we take them off your hands.

Web Space from Austria

We are an Austrian web hosting and domain provider based in Vienna. Both our team and the data you host are of course located in Austria.

Backup your data

We regularly create backups of your web space data as well as your databases. The backups are of course available to you around the clock. You always receive a backup of the last two hours, the last two nights and the last two Sundays.

Webspace & Webhosting

domain name

  • Choose from a total of 488 domain extensions
  • Real-time management of your DNS records
  • Easy registration and transfer

The choice of domain name

Domain names containing terms such as cars or real estate are very popular. But not every domain that can show such money keywords in the name can also be rated as good. What do you have to look out for when choosing a domain name so that it is worth buying?

This fictitious domain should serve as an example: autokaufenverkaufen.tld . At first glance, the layperson identifies that the keywords car, buy and sell occur in the domain, which is interpreted as a positive factor and can encourage purchase. However, it is more advisable to prefer a domain with this URL auto-kaufen-verkaufen.tld. The cardinal reason: The domain name is split using the hyphens and is also easier for potential visitors to remember.

On easyname you can check your domain name and then register it. For checking, you can use our worldwide domain check, with up to 500 domain endings (with classics like the .com or .at domain) and a huge selection of new domain endings (e.g. the .wien domain or .club domain). Use our free domain search to secure your desired domain name and order it directly online from us. In addition, we offer you the possibility to book the necessary web space with your domain so that you can also present your content on the internet on the domain.

search domain

You want to know if a certain domain is not yet taken? easyname makes the domain search easy and reliable for you: Simply use our domain check for the domain search and check in a few seconds whether your desired address is still available.

easyname delivers the domain results of your domain search in real time, automatically supplemented by information on registration, country-specific features and prices. If your domain search was successful, you can register the domain immediately via easyname. If you have any questions, the easyname service team will be happy to assist you.

Since there are already bottlenecks with particularly popular endings such as .at and .com, easyname offers you a large selection of alternatives for the domain endings - our portfolio also includes unusual country codes. In total, you can choose from around 500 domain endings worldwide.