- Choose from 483 domain extensions
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- Easy registration and transfer
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Save the domain that suits you best
You want to set up an Internet presence? Whether for companies, public institutions, associations or private individuals - before you start with your website, you need a web address: the domain . But the address is not simply assigned to you, you decide on the domain name yourself. And that's what our article is about. We tell you what you need to think about before buying a domain to promote your brand, your online shop or your idea and how you can secure the perfect domain.
The right domain for your internet presence

What specific goal am I pursuing with my website? And what is the idea behind it? You should definitely answer these questions before registering a domain. Because in times of increasing digitalisation and steadily rising online use, a meaningful web presence is eminently important.
The goal is usually always the same: if you run a website for commercial reasons, you want to have as many visitors to your site as possible. After all, every visitor is a potential customer. With this in mind, what do you need to consider when registering and buying a domain? First and foremost the name. Ideally, the domain should refer to your company. If the domain contains a brand or company name, for example, visitors will make a direct connection to your company. If the company name is too long or too complicated, you can also register two domains - one with the full name and another with a short name.
The domain extensions also play a decisive role. After all, it may well be that you have thought of a suitable domain name, but the domain is already in use. In this case, it is a good idea to use an alternative extension. If necessary, it may be a good idea to register a domain extension with a local reference or to include a hyphen. When using alternative domain names, always make sure that you do not infringe any trademark rights.
One thing is clear: the domain should be easy to find and memorable for visitors or interested parties. By the way, you can quickly and easily find out whether a domain is still available with the domain check from easyname. With just a few mouse clicks, the domain check shows you whether your desired domain is available or shows you attractive alternative suggestions for your domain name, including a large selection of endings.
You should secure these domains
Once you have determined and checked the actual core of your domain - i.e. the name - you are already a long way along the path to your internet address. But don't invest too little time in deciding on the domain extension. It is an elementary component of your domain.
The actual plain name of a web address is the second-level domain. In the example www.xyz.org, the second-level domain is xyz. The design of the second-level domain is entirely up to you - whether short or long, with umlauts or hyphens - depending on availability, you are free to choose. As described earlier: Use a name that suits you or your company.
One level above the second-level domain is the top-level domain, or TLD for short. A top-level domain is always the ending of a domain, i.e. what is on the right side of the second dot. In the example given, org is the top-level domain. As far as TLDs are concerned, there are also country-specific variants. These are called Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLD) and always consist of two letters. In relation to Austria, the country code top-level domain is at. Conversely, this means that you have to decide whether you want to use the domain extension org, for example, or prefer to use at instead. The at ending makes sense for you if you are active in business exclusively or primarily in Austria.
If your website appears in several languages instead, then the so-called third-level domain is a good option. This refers to the beginning of a domain, so to speak, i.e. what is to the left of the first point. In the example of www.xyz.org, www is the third-level domain. However, since www is hardly used any more, other variants have become established. For example, how about structuring the foreign language pages with entries such as at, fr or it? This increases the added value for the users and ensures the corresponding clarity.
How many domains you need cannot be answered in a general way and is a very individual decision. However, since the prices are only a few euros per month in most cases, you should think about buying more than just one domain. Think about logical alternatives for your second-level domain. Consider adding a hyphen, umlauts or a deliberate but common typo and secure these domains as well. As the domain owner of several obvious variants, you can have the necessary redirects set up when you build your website.
How to save a domain
You can save your desired domain in just a few steps - and without much effort.
- First, you look for a suitable provider through which you can first check and then buy your domain. One of these high-performance providers is easyname. The advantage of easyname is that you can not only buy your domain. easyname also offers you web hosting, so it provides you with web space, an SSL certificate, mailboxes for receiving and sending e-mails, and databases, among other things. And: if you need professional support for the creation of a website, easyname will also give you in-depth advice on all your questions.
- The second step has already been described: Think of a name for your domain. It should definitely fit you, your company or your business.
- If you have a rough idea of the name, then the third step follows. Simply type the name into the easyname domain check. In a fraction of a second you will receive a result and be shown whether your desired domain is still available or already in use. In both cases, you will be shown many other suggestions for your domain. The corresponding recommendations make it easy for you to buy more than just one domain.
- If the domain you would like to buy is still available, click on the buttons "Select" and "Shopping cart" one after the other. If you follow the further steps, you will be the proud owner of your desired domain at the end of the ordering process.
These costs arise around the domain purchase
With a provider like easyname, there are no one-off costs for buying a domain. When you buy a domain, you only pay a monthly price. Some free domains are available for less than one euro per month. Further costs are incurred for web hosting. Always geared to your needs - i.e. how much web space, inclusive domains or e-mail boxes you need - easyname charges between 4.90 and 19.90 euros per month for a complete package.
Tips for saving your domain
You want to buy a domain? Then you should consider a few things in advance. The following tips on registering your desired domain will certainly be helpful:
- Domain name: As far as the second-level domain is concerned, go for a short and catchy name. If the name of your company is rather long and unwieldy, it is advisable to register one domain with the complete name and another with a short variant. Users can remember the short domain better, which in turn is good for the findability of the site.
- Search engines: Ideally, you place important terms in your domain that match your company. These keywords are likely to improve your visibility in search engines.
- Other brands are taboo: Refrain from securing a domain or buying a domain that refers to other brands or companies. Legal disputes could result.
- Top-level domain: Are you primarily active in business in Austria? Then the ending at is a good choice for your domain. The ending com is also very attractive.
- Less is more: This applies especially to extravagant domains. Therefore, before you buy a domain, think about whether you really need numbers or umlauts for your domain.
- Speak test: Is your domain easy to pronounce? And do other people understand your domain name when you transmit it by telephone, for example? If yes, then your domain has passed the test.
Conclusion: When buying a domain, important details matter
Buying a domain and building a web presence on this basis sounds rather simple at first. But before you secure a domain, you should pay attention to the details. Which domain suits you or your company? And is it still available at all? If it's not, you'll need a plan B, maybe even a plan C. Once you've found the right domain, the actual registration is quickly done - but as you can see, it's all about the details. Because one thing is clear: domains are a valuable commodity in this day and age, since people are increasingly moving around on the internet and making more and more purchases or booking services there.
If you need support with domains, then simply contact the experts at easyname. This also applies if you need a new website or are looking for a high-performance web hoster. Convinced? Then get in touch!