
Ubuntu 20.04 on easyname VPS

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Ubuntu 20.04 in the Long-Term-Support (LTS) version was launched in April 2020 and promises support for the coming 5 years. With easyname you can now use the latest Ubuntu distribution on Linux virtual servers.

Ubuntu 20.04 version (code name “Focal Fossa”, according to the Malagasy predator) brings not only improvements to the desktop, but also many updates to the Ubuntu server, cloud and kernel. If you are currently considering installing an easyname virtual server with UBUNTU 20.04 or upgrading older versions of LTS 16.04 or 18.04, we will be happy to show you not only the most important highlights of this version connected to the server. You will also find instructions for installing Ubuntu 20.04 on your new virtual server.

The most important highlights of Ubuntu 20.04 version:

  1. Linux-Kernel 5.4
  2. MySQL 8
  3. PHP 7.4
  4. Python 3.8
  5. AppArmor 3
  6. SSH with 2-Factor authetification

If you are already familiar with this version, go directly to the installation and upgrade information:

Linux-Kernel 5.4

On Ubuntu 20.04 with Kernel 5.4, we find several notable features and enhancements, such as integrated WireGuard VPN support for more secure and faster connection establishment or increased startup speed.


MySQL supports the most demanding web applications as well as E-Commerce, SaaS and OLTP applications. The latest version of the proven database system brings higher performance and enhanced security.

PHP 7.4

The older version of PHP 7.3 has been replaced by the new version 7.4. All news and improvements of the new PHP version can be found here: https://www.php.net/releases/7_4_0.php

Python 3.8

Python 3.8 will also find its place in the latest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS version. The older version 2.7 is no longer included in any new installation, all remaining packages needed for Python 2.7 have been updated.

AppArmor 3

A new generation of AppArmor version 3 has been integrated into Ubuntu 20.04. App Armor actively protects the operating system from external and internal threats.

SSH mit 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung

As security risks continue to grow, OpenSSH 8.2 provides support for U2F / FIDO hardware devices. This allows for simple hardware-based two-factor authentication. 

This is how you start Ubuntu 20.04 on your new easyname VPS!

After successfully configuring VPS in easyname, you can install the latest Linux Ubuntu 20.04 distribution and start your virtual server with a few clicks.

After logging in to the cloudpit, select the Ubuntu 20.04 operating system partition and you can start your new installation right away..

Upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04

To upgrade the server from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to Ubuntu 20.04, a few simple steps will suffice.

Before starting the upgrade, make sure you have installed all available updates to the current version.

Then it is very simple:

  1. Install update-manager-core .
  2. Make sure you have the correct settings in “/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades” hast. (“lts” when upgrading 18.04 LTS).
  3. Start the mandatory “sudo do-release-upgrade -d”.
  4. Follow the instructions that will guide you through the installation.

You can download all versions, including their detailed description, from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes. And as with every version, the developers of Canonical have developed Ubuntu 20.04 for free.

easyname is an Austrian provider of web hosting and domain services based in Vienna. Our company has been operating successfully since 2006 in Austria and in the meantime also in many other countries all over the world.