How to install WordPress with WP-CLI on easyname VPS
by Theresa Schmidt -
WP-CLI is the official command-line-interface (CLI) tool for WordPress, which allows you to perform many WordPress actions without using a browser.
Why without a browser?
There are use cases in which we do not have a browser available…

Your own VPS for new projects!
by easyname -
In recent months, our team has worked intensive to expand easyname portfolio with a new product - VPS (Virtual Private Server). The initial survey provided some important information and showed us what you consider to be extremely important…

7 convincing reasons you need to launch a website for your small eCommerce
by Dorian Martin -
eCommerce is an industry that’s getting more competitive every year. Marketers need to constantly find ways to differentiate from the competitors, launch amazing offers and eliminate the unnecessary. Among eCommerce marketers who have witnessed…

VPS or Dedicated Server? What’s the difference?
by easyname -
Virtual private server (VPS) is a powerful virtual server for your projects that require high technical requirements and flexibility. Are you a developer looking for the perfect environment for your deployment? Do you have an e-shop and…